Why AppRank PRO?


Fixed pricing. No bidding. No surprises.


Lowest prices for iOS Direct & Keyword Installs.


Slow delivery of downloads spread across the days.


100% Genuine downloads.


Lowest fraud rate in the industry which is less than 5%.


Full proof for each and every downloads generated using our platform.


Guaranteed results.

Our Unique Features

Genuine Users

Genuine users from all over the world. As our users are real users from all over the world, it will work better compared to in house team / automated systems.

Screenshots as Proof

App owners can get screen shots as proof. None of the available platforms provide screenshots as proof, we believe. (Applicable for low volume global campaigns only. For country campaigns and high volume campaigns, we provide excel/csv report instead of screen shots)

Report Wrong Installs

You can report each and every installs if the screen shot is wrong so you can get additional downloads for free.


Please read our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ before contacting us. Most of the queries you may have are addressed in the FAQ section.